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Jo Jet i Maria Ribot + Laia Fontàn – “per avorriment”

Contributed by Ignasi Àvila Padró on May 13th, 2020. Artwork published in
May 2020
Jo Jet i Maria Ribot + Laia Fontàn – “per avorriment”
Source: Graphic Design: Elisabet Mateu Matesanz & Ignasi Àvila Padró. Photography: Elisabet Mateu Matesanz & Ignasi Àvila Padró. License: All Rights Reserved.

em quedo a casa no torno a sortir
no dic t’enyoro per no repetir
se’m fa difícil recordar el teu cos
que em dóna vida

(“I stay home and don’t go out again
I’m not saying I miss you for not repeating
I find it hard to remember your body
which gives me life”)

Artwork for the single “per avorriment” created during the quarantine by the duo Jo Jet i Maria Ribot and the actress and singer Laia Fontàn. The title is written in Parabole by Dávid Molnár (2019) and the artists’ names are set in Syne Bold by Bonjour Monde and Lucas Descroix (2017).

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