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“Garden” hand painted garden gate

Contributed by Stephan Peters on May 22nd, 2020. Artwork published in
May 2020
“Garden” hand painted garden gate 1
Photo: Stephan Peters. License: All Rights Reserved.

Hand painted garden gate in rural Southwest Pennsylvania, with letterforms modeled after Luminari. Released by Canada Type in 2008, Philip Bouwsma’s typeface is –

an amalgam of High Middle Ages writing, a blend that combines the ornate Church hands with the simple Carolingian from the ninth to the fifteenth centuries. Its majuscules are particularly influenced by the versals found in the famous Monmouth psalters, as well as those done by the Ramsey Abbey abbots in the twelfth century. The minuscules also exhibit some influence from the book hand of prolific humanist Poggio Bracciolini from the early fifteenth century. Italian and essentially romanesque in style, Luminari exercises a slight tension between the round forms and the angular “gothic” styling.

“Garden” hand painted garden gate 2
Photo: Stephan Peters. License: All Rights Reserved.




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