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Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989

Contributed by Swiss Typefaces on Jul 21st, 2020. Artwork published in
June 2019
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 1
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.

Andrej & Andrej were commisioned to design a catalog collecting the archives from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava:

On the occasion of its 70th anniversary, the Academy of Fine Arts and Design published the Archive Report on the State of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava by Mgr. Iva Dejová, PhD. It is a complex overview of events and documentation of comprehensive history of the school departments and teachers from the school’s establishment in 1949 to the Velvet Revolution in 1989.

They realized that for more than 40 years, the school had existed without any proper visual identity, and thus they decided to create a “conceptual hoax”, a kind of design uchronia where the institution would have “a deer as the school’s logo, which has a historical basis in the Sigil family, one of the school’s early patrons.” Not only they created a fake logo, they also made it “gradually change accordingly with each period’s design trend” throughout the progression of the book.

To balance with this – both subtle and heavy – concept, they designed the book in a pretty minimal way, only using one discrete typeface for the whole design: Suisse Int’l.

Suisse Int’l is part of the Suisse family, available from Swiss Typefaces.

All the fake logotypes the studio created were used to promote the 2019 graduation show.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

All the fake logotypes the studio created were used to promote the 2019 graduation show.

Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 3
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 4
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 5
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 6
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 7
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 8
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 9
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.
Archívna Správa O Stave Vysokej Školy Výtvarných Umení 1949–1989 10
Source: © Andrej & Andrej. License: All Rights Reserved.

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