Filmotype Honey in use for the title of an album by Enoch Light, recorded with the Light Brigade and released by Grand Award Records in 1960 (G.A. 238 S.D.). Light was the head of A&R and vice-president of Grand Award Records. The names of artist and band as well as the track titles are set in Copperplate Gothic.
Unlike on many other earlier covers by the label, the rotated type in the trapezoids is not set in Caslon 540 Italic with Clarendon caps, but in two light sans-serif styles of contrasting width, possibly a stretched light Helvetica with Lightline or News Gothic. There’s at least one other record featuring this modernized framework, The Ink Spots’ “Greatest” Vol. 3, also from 1960. Soon after, the whole device was dropped, making room for individual artwork. The Illustration for the depicted sleeve is by Tracy Sugarman.