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Louis Armstrong – Oldtime Jazz album art

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Aug 29th, 2021. Artwork published in .
Louis Armstrong – Oldtime Jazz album art 1
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Karlheinz Zimmermann. License: All Rights Reserved.

This cover design by Christoph Ehbets from 1964 is a precursor to the one he did five years later for the Pioniere des Jazz compilation, using pretty much the same ingredients: Forest House with red fill for the artist’s name; a second, more ornate face for the title, in pink; and a black-and-white photograph below. For “Oldtime Jazz”, Ehbets went with Carnival. First cast around 1849, this decorated Tuscan was revived by Fonderie Typographique Française (FTF) as Romantiques 2. Just like Forest House, it’s included in the first volume of the Lettera alphabet source book, as Romantique, with FTF credits.

The track names are set in Fundamental-Grotesk, a standard sans serif used in the GDR. The order number appears to be in Futura Bold, though. The Amiga logo is custom drawn.

[More info on Discogs]

Louis Armstrong – Oldtime Jazz album art 2
Source: musicschallplatte. License: All Rights Reserved.

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