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Bayerischer Bauernvereins-Kalender title page (1912, 1926)

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Dec 28th, 2020. Artwork published in
circa 1912
Bayerischer Bauernvereins-Kalender für das Jahr 1926 (volume 21).
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “bradley”, “morristroy” and “psaltergotisch”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Bayerischer Bauernvereins-Kalender für das Jahr 1926 (volume 21).

From circa 1904 to 1933, the Central Office of the Christian Farmers’ Associations in Regensburg published a richly illustrated annual calendar.

The title page design of the issues for 1912 (volume 9, shown below) and 1926 (volume 21) are largely identical. A decorated initial B is combined with the title set in Bradley. This face was known in Germany as Amerikanische Altgotisch, among other names, and is also used for the publisher’s name. The line with the year features Morris-Gotisch or one of the other German copies of Morris Troy, with numerals from Römische Antiqua. It’s framed by flower ornaments. The red top line with the volume information uses Original-Gotisch for the 1926 issue. In the older one, this line appears to be set in Mediaeval-Gotisch or Psalter-Gotisch, which are versions of Tudor Black. This typeface can also be seen in use for the printer’s credit in both issues.

The periodical included a Läutordnung (rules for the ringing of church bells), weather lore, hagiographies, a market calendar with a directory of all market places in Bavaria, and more. [Schlegl] It was printed by G.J. Manz in Munich.

The Bayerischer Christlicher Bauernverein was the regional association of the local farmers’ societies. “It saw itself as a middle-class agricultural interest group and, unlike the Bayerischer Bauernbund, did not act as a political party. Nevertheless, the Bauernverein played an important role in the political Catholicism, as it was ideologically and personally closely associated with the Zentrum and, from 1918, with the Bavarian People’s Party. During the Weimar period, the Christian Farmers’ Association had up to 150,000 members, with Georg Heim (1865–1938) as the central leader.” – Oliver Braun

Bayerischer Bauernvereins-Kalender für das Jahr 1912 (volume 9), with a frontispiece by Martin Feuerstein, depicting Louis the Saint bringing the Crown of Thorns to Paris.
Source: merk-es-dir. License: All Rights Reserved.

Bayerischer Bauernvereins-Kalender für das Jahr 1912 (volume 9), with a frontispiece by Martin Feuerstein, depicting Louis the Saint bringing the Crown of Thorns to Paris.

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