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Supremo anchovy fillets

Contributed by Dominique Kerber on Feb 13th, 2021. Artwork published in .
    Supremo anchovy fillets 1
    Mallaun Photography. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Cast is used by Silvio Meier for the redesigned packaging and branding of the Supremo product line from Gottfried Hirtz AG. It’s always a great pleasure when a designer friend uses my font in such a skilful way for a cool project like this one.

    Markus Mallaun captured the newly designed packaging for the Supremo anchovy fillets with beautiful photographs. Read more about the story behind the pictures (in German) on Markus Mallaun’s blog.

    Supremo anchovy fillets 2
    Mallaun Photography. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Supremo anchovy fillets 3
    Mallaun Photography. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Supremo anchovy fillets 4
    Silvio Meier. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Cast




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