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A Science Fiction Argosy by Damon Knight (Simon & Schuster)

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Jun 9th, 2021. Artwork published in .
A Science Fiction Argosy by Damon Knight (Simon & Schuster) 1
Source: John W. Knott, Jr,. License: All Rights Reserved.

Three lines of ITC Pioneer (1970), stacked and justified, with a gradient fill, for the book jacket of A Science Fiction Argosy. In its original phototype version, the blocky display typeface by Ronné Bonder and Tom Carnase included a number of alternate glyphs with extended strokes. These reached above the cap line (as in N), or below the baseline (see the right leg of the second A). Jacket designer Wendell Minor took the idea one step further and hyper-extended the initial and final letters in “Argosy” to form a frame, enclosing the description (set in Futura Light) and a sun (or planet?).

Edited by Damon Knight (1922–2002), the book collects twenty-four stories by John Collier, Isaac Asimov, John Wyndham, Shirley Jackson, Cordwainer Smith, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl, Robert Sheckley, Kate Wilhelm, Fritz Leiber, Brian W. Aldiss, L. Sprague de Camp, Poul Anderson, and others, plus two full-length classic novels; Theodore Sturgeon’s More Than Human, and Alfred Bester’s The Demolished Man.

[More info on ISFDB]

A Science Fiction Argosy by Damon Knight (Simon & Schuster) 2
Source: johpolizo-0 (edited). License: All Rights Reserved.
A Science Fiction Argosy by Damon Knight (Simon & Schuster) 3
Source: rare-book-cellar. License: All Rights Reserved.

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