Selections From 119 Years Of The Atlantic by Louise Desaulniers (ed.)
Lots of ITC Souvenir for a compilation of texts from the archives of literary and cultural magazine The Atlantic, edited by Louise Desaulniers and published in 1977 as a 600-pages paperback. The timeline with one author name for each of the 119 years fills both the front and back cover.
- Books (3997)
- Literature (1915)
- unknown (2159)
Tagged with
- The Atlantic (3)
- compilations (130)
- paperbacks/softcovers (891)
- book covers (3489)
- back covers (941)
- text on cover (62)
- timelines (66)
- numerals (570)
- filled-in counters (35)
- blue (609)
- reversed type (1949)
- Louise Desaulniers (1)
- title pages (525)
- bullets (51)
- wall of type (237)
Artwork location
- United States (6375)
- Boston (75)