The movie title is lettering, not a font (I guess)
The 1995 film The Quick and The Dead opens with a black background and the worn letters of Packard introducing the production company as well as the principals Sharon Stone and Gene Hackman. The movie title itself seems to be lettering, not a font.
The movie combines traditional elements of Westerns in an unusual, somewhat revisionist, style. The story of the movie concerns a high-stakes gunslinging competition, with all the action taking place in a single town over a few days; the screenwriter (Simon Moore) clearly having paid attention to Aristotle’s Unities: the unities of action, time, and place.
I agree, the title looks like calligraphy/lettering. It reminds me of the work of Arthur Baker. Some of his typefaces come close, see for example Pelican.
There are several digitizations of Packard’s lighter weight, but as far as I can tell, only one of the bold seen here: it’s included in OPTI Packard C (Castcraft, 1990–1991, now abandonware), which was extended by Dieter Steffmann in 2000. In addition, there is also Packard New Style, a smoothened version in two weights, issued by Red Rooster in 2011.
1 Comment on “The Quick and The Dead titles”
I agree, the title looks like calligraphy/lettering. It reminds me of the work of Arthur Baker. Some of his typefaces come close, see for example Pelican.
There are several digitizations of Packard’s lighter weight, but as far as I can tell, only one of the bold seen here: it’s included in OPTI Packard C (Castcraft, 1990–1991, now abandonware), which was extended by Dieter Steffmann in 2000. In addition, there is also Packard New Style, a smoothened version in two weights, issued by Red Rooster in 2011.