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Papavasilópoulos menswear, Omonoia, Athens

Contributed by Maria Paganopoulou on Sep 12th, 2021.
    Papavasilópoulos menswear, Omonoia, Athens 1
    Photo: Maria Paganopoulou. License: All Rights Reserved.

    For the sign of the Παπαβασιλοπουλος (Papavasilópoulos) menswear shop, an adaptation of Zipper for the Greek script is used, which seems to be a popular option for menswear stores in the Omonoia district, see the Arnokouros shop sign.

    This is the first lowercase adaptation of Zipper that I have encountered. The lowercase π is the uppercase form at a smaller scale. Since it has no affinities to any letterforms of Zipper for the Latin script, it seems to be originally designed. Moreover, the π is different from other adaptations of Zipper, e.g in the logo of Πολιτιστική magazine. The lowercase λ (λαμδα, lamda) is a mirrored Latin h.

    Papavasilópoulos menswear, Omonoia, Athens 2
    Photo: Maria Paganopoulou. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Zipper




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