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Roxette – Travelling album art

Contributed by Thomas Evensson on Sep 19th, 2021. Artwork published in
March 2012
Roxette – Travelling album art 1
Various. License: All Rights Reserved.

Roxette’s second “live” album, but to be fair, there are very few live tracks on this one (two I think). The first release was called Tourism so this was to be called Tworism or 2rism but EMI said that albums with numbers in their titles don’t sell well so it was changed. It was released on CD and vinyl.

The Roxette logo and the titles are set in Vanthian Ragnarok while the rest of the text is set in different varieties of Univers.

[More info on Discogs]

Credits from the booklet.
License: All Rights Reserved.

Credits from the booklet.

Back sleeve. Doodles by Per Gessle.
Fredrik Etoall. License: All Rights Reserved.

Back sleeve. Doodles by Per Gessle.




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