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Possession (1981) French movie poster

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Oct 17th, 2022. Artwork published in .
Possession (1981) French movie poster
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

From Graphic Design Herstory (with added links):

In 1968 Barbara Baranowska moved to Paris, where she created a series of posters for important Paramount movies. Signing herself Basha, she painted some of the most surreal and iconic posters of the period for films including Possession (1981), by her ex husband Andrzej Żuławski.

The typeface chosen for the poster is Caslon Antique, an eroded roman designed by Berne Nadall and originally released by Barnhart Brothers & Spindler around 1896 as Fifteenth Century. Caslon Antique saw some other horror-related uses around 1980.

See also a previous post about the British poster for this film, featuring Arnold Böcklin and ITC Souvenir.


  • Caslon Antique




Artwork location

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