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Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin)

Contributed by Soares Lima on Apr 24th, 2022. Artwork published in .
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 1
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.

    This French edition of Spinoza’s Ethics (1677) was edited and translated by Charles Appuhn and published in 1983 in the Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.

    On the cover and title page I have identified two typeface, some version of Simoncini’s Aster and Ganeau & Excoffon’s Vendôme with an elongated tail in Q (cf. this specimen by Fonderie Olive). The composition is quite exquisite on the title page. The sans serif appears to be Univers.

    This edition, however, is based on an older one by Librarie Garnier Frères, reusing Appuhn’s translation, which got a revised edition 1934 and of which, I have reason to believe, the photocopy of the body of the text was made.

    Moreover, to emphasize this fact, the font used in the body of the text and throughout the rest of the book is Series no. 16 (which I distinguished from Series no. 17 by virtue of the lower ascenders) [cf. Berthe] A typeface that had perhaps already been lost by the 1980s, when the shown edition came out.

    Note the characteristic Q tail and the single-story g in the italics. Another temporal mark is the highlighting in quotations, where the left-folded quotation mark («) is used on all lines of the quotation (cf. p. 4), which is a very present arrangement in the French editions of the 19th century and, obviously, of the early 20th century.

    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 2
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 3
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 4
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 5
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 6
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 7
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 8
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 9
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 10
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 11
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin) 12
    Photo: Soares Lima. License: All Rights Reserved.





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    1 Comment on “Éthique by Baruch Spinoza (Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin)”

    1. Univers 73 for the author’s name on the title page ?

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