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San Francisco sidewalk street name plaques

Contributed by Ben Zotto on Jun 2nd, 2022. Artwork published in
circa 1970
    San Francisco sidewalk street name plaques 1
    Petra Marar. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Sidewalk street name marker plaques, Market Street in San Francisco. These were likely installed in the very early 1970s, as part of the re-covering of Market Street following the construction of subways underneath it.

    The all-caps lettering appears to use Chelmsford, a copy of Optima that’s distinguished by the stroke extension at the top of A. According to Mark Simonson, it was “produced by Addressograph-Multigraph (AM) in the seventies for their phototypesetting machines.”

    San Francisco sidewalk street name plaques 2
    Petra Marar. License: All Rights Reserved.
    San Francisco sidewalk street name plaques 3
    Petra Marar. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Chelmsford




    Artwork location

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