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Boxhorn #38, “Zuhause” issue

Contributed by Ivana Baumann on Jul 22nd, 2022. Artwork published in
July 2022
Boxhorn #38, “Zuhause” issue 1
Boxhorn #38. License: All Rights Reserved.

What does home mean?

In conversations with designers, architects, self-employed people, complete strangers, students, photographers, illustrators, tenants and many other folks, we got to know different forms, definitions, and views. We give them a space to thrive in the 38th issue of the Boxhorn magazine – we give them a home.

Home (German: Zuhause) is not a standard term for a white cube, built in a new development in the suburbs of Cologne, but offers manifold views ranging from a twelve-square-meter room to a nomadic lifestyle. To understand this, we also took a look at other forms of living – beyond our own preconceived ideas.

However, to live and feel “at home” is social not only on the local level. We always are at home in the society in which we live and with which we (have to) surround ourselves. In this context, both economic and political conditions determine our living conditions.

“Home” embodies many individual representations; proximity, social aspects, financial status and emotional values. When we refer to a place as home, at its best it provides a space to retreat, invite, or show off. But what when these conditions are not present? Hereby we show various forms of being and feeling at home, as well as the aspects and definitions that go along with it. As it turns out, a home is often a potpourri of all the places where one has already lived and felt at home.

The issue was edited by Delayne Kreutz, Gabriel Dukić, Hannah Stollenwerk, Ivana Baumann, Maret Van Stiphout, Sophie Leiwen, and Zeno Scheffel, under the supervision of Prof. Ilka Helmig at the University of Applied Sciences Aachen. In an edition of 150 copies, 600 of the 900 individual booklets were bound by hand and, after printing with HP Indigo, finished with fluorescent red via risography printing.

Throughout the issue we exclusively use New Edge 666 Rounded by Charlotte Rohde and hereby send best regards from home in Aachen!

Boxhorn #38, “Zuhause” issue 2
Boxhorn #38. License: All Rights Reserved.
Boxhorn #38, “Zuhause” issue 3
Boxhorn #38. License: All Rights Reserved.
Boxhorn #38, “Zuhause” issue 4
Boxhorn #38. License: All Rights Reserved.
Boxhorn #38, “Zuhause” issue 5
Boxhorn #38. License: All Rights Reserved.
Boxhorn #38, “Zuhause” issue 6
Boxhorn #38. License: All Rights Reserved.

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