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Into The Monastery by Valentin Magaro

Contributed by Jan Reimann (Studio Fuser) on Oct 10th, 2023. Artwork published in
September 2023
Into The Monastery by Valentin Magaro 1
Source: Photo: Jan Reimann (Studio Fuser). License: All Rights Reserved.

Valentin Magaro’s new book covers his oeuvre of the last fifteen years. It shows his fantastic figures, fictional worlds, repetitive patterns and references to art history, which he assembles into modern world theatres. The book comprises 168 pages with 400 drawings and paintings, as well as texts by Lucia Angela Cavegn, Nicole Seeberger, Shirana Shahbazi, Thomi Wolfensberger, and Valentin Magaro.

The entire publication was set in NN Konrad by Martina Meier. The layout refers to letterpress Bible pages—this reference is again clarified by the choice of typeface and its historical context.

Published by Sam Scherrer at Wolfsberg Verlag, Zürich
Concept and design: Jan Reimann, Sam Linder, Ivan Becerro (Studio Fuser & UFO)
Printed by J. E. Wolfensberger AG, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
ISBN 978–3–85997–670–2

Into The Monastery by Valentin Magaro 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Into The Monastery by Valentin Magaro 3
Source: Photo: Jan Reimann (Studio Fuser). License: All Rights Reserved.
Into The Monastery by Valentin Magaro 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Into The Monastery by Valentin Magaro 5
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Into The Monastery by Valentin Magaro 6
Source: Photo: Jan Reimann (Studio Fuser). License: All Rights Reserved.

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