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Owomaniya 2023

Contributed by Studio Ping Pong on Nov 15th, 2023. Artwork published in
circa October 2023
Owomaniya 2023 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Owomaniya 2023 is a report in the form of a microsite on gender diversity in Indian entertainment, presented by Amazon Prime Video, India Film Companion and Ormax Media, designed by Studio Ping Pong, with copywriter Nandita Singh and developer Studio Mesmer.

Started in 2022, is a first-of-its-kind report on Indian entertainment, which involves the whole industry in its data collection and presents facts for a wider audience in an accessible manner. Owomaniya 2023 comprises this year’s data alongside a comparative analysis of last year’s report.

The report is an exploration of unconventional yet accessible data visualization. In line with the 2022 report, the raw data was translated into visuals inspired by the world of film and the experience of watching them – such as ticket stubs, clapboards, and spotlights. Visual representations were also inspired from the data content, e.g., the Bechdel test, and the limited shows that qualify for it, are conveyed using zipped mouths.

The font and colours used are consistent with the 2022 report. Bold, bright colours distinguish between categories and make the information stand out, while black acts as a neutral base. The fonts, Euripides, Gill Sans Bold Extra Condensed, Lexend Deca and Manier, are selected to be easily readable on any device. Additionally, small animations are peppered throughout the report to prevent monotony.

Using data across various forms (long-form, infographics, quotes, illustrations, data viz, listicles, and videos) to create a report that can appeal to and inspire a wide audience to combat gender disparity.

Owomaniya 2023 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Owomaniya 2023 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Owomaniya 2023 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Owomaniya 2023 5
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Gill Sans Bold Extra Condensed
  • Euripides
  • Manier
  • Lexend




Artwork location

In Sets

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