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Gyllene Tider – Hux Flux album art

Contributed by Thomas Evensson on Dec 31st, 2023. Artwork published in
June 2023
Gyllene Tider – Hux Flux album art 1
Anders Roos. License: All Rights Reserved.

Gyllene Tider is the previous Swedish band by Per Gessle of Roxette. Gyllene called it quits in 2019. They wanted to quit while they were ahead. Please note that the band officially ended in 1985, the year before Roxette started, but they have been on several very successful tours since 1996. Anyway, the Corona pandemic came and they thought things over. Wouldn’t it be nice to do something after Corona? Said and done. They recorded the album Hux Flux (“wham Bam”, sort of) – released on CD and a few differently colored vinyls – and did another successful tour in 2023.

The album sleeve, designed by Pär Wickholm as per usual, uses a ton of different fonts. The titles all have their own font, while the “normal” texts on the sleeve and in the booklet are set in New Frank Regular and Noir Medium.

The Gyllene Tider logo is based on Palace Script. It was originally made in 1979, using dry transfer type.

[More info on Discogs]

Gyllene Tider – Hux Flux album art 2
Anders Roos. License: All Rights Reserved.
Sida A: 1  Bold Condensed / 2  / 3  / 4  / 5 
Sida B: 1  / 2  / 3  Texture / 4  / 5  / 6 
The numbers are from , the credit line is in .
Anders Roos. License: All Rights Reserved.

Sida A: 1 Verlag Bold Condensed / 2 Marquee Moon / 3 Rosewood Fill / 4 NT Josefine / 5 Intro Black Inline
Sida B: 1 Charcuterie Cursive / 2 Poster Bodoni / 3 RTCO Flinton Texture / 4 Neue Metana / 5 Pretorian / 6 ITC Blair
The numbers are from Noir, the credit line is in New Frank.

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