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Nonlinear Networks by Václav Doležal

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Feb 28th, 2024. Artwork published in .
Nonlinear Networks by Václav Doležal
Source: Munster and Company. License: All Rights Reserved.

Despite the name of this book, the cover titling is indeed linear, connecting the inline of Dubbeldik between the first and second words. The designer modified Dubbeldik’s unusual s, giving it a horizontal stroke; the i dot is also rotated 90 degrees; and the r is truncated to help the two lines occupy the same width. The cornered a here is missing from the digital version of the typeface, but it is one of the two shapes available from Mecanorma when they originally issued it.

The author’s name, mathematician Václav Doležal (born 1927), is set without diacritics.


  • Dubbeldik




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