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Unabhängig and Unversehrt by Eva Biringer

Contributed by Gareth Hague on Sep 11th, 2024. Artwork published in
circa 2022
Unabhängig and Unversehrt by Eva Biringer 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Alias Ano in use for two books by German columnist and writer Eva Biringer, published by HarperCollins.

Unabhängig. Vom Trinken und Loslassen (“Independent. About drinking and letting go”) was published in 2022:

Using her own story, Eva Biringer wants to raise awareness of the reasons why more and more women are reaching for the bottle far too often and of a society that does not want to see what drives them to do so.

Unversehrt. Frauen und Schmerz (“Unharmed. Women and pain”) is to follow in October 2024.

The covers to both books were designed by Rothfos & Gabler using Ano.

Unabhängig and Unversehrt by Eva Biringer 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Ano




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