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Braun Atelier 3

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Jun 2nd, 2014. Artwork published in .
Braun Atelier 3 1
Source: das programm. License: All Rights Reserved.

das programm:

“An early Rams work for Braun, marking a significant aesthetic development. The Atelier series of  designs were undertaken by Rams alone, without collaboration with Hans Gugelot. Whilst Atelier 1 & 2 are derivative of Gugelot and largely uninteresting, the Atelier 3 design marks an important shift, one that would set Rams, and Braun Design more generally, on a course significantly different from that earlier established for it by the Ulm HfG.

Most significant in the Atelier 3 design is the substitution of wood for anodised aluminium and the introduction of an asymmetrical face for the receiver module. This transition from 'natural’ materials towards the manifestly industrial anodised aluminium and factory paint finish established the mains terms of Ram’s  functionalist vocabulary of the 1960s.”

Braun Atelier 3 2
Source: das programm. License: All Rights Reserved.
Braun Atelier 3 3
Source: das programm. License: All Rights Reserved.
Braun Atelier 3 4
Source: das programm. License: All Rights Reserved.




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