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Priest + Grace logo

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Jul 7th, 2014.
Priest + Grace logo
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Robert Priest and Grace Lee play off the ecclesiastical nature of their names for their Priest + Grace studio logo. One wise modification was made to Fette Fraktur’s ‘G’, giving it a beard so it would be more easily recognized by an audience unaccustomed to the ornamental Blackletter style.




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2 Comments on “Priest + Grace logo”

  1. I agree that the Blackletter ‘G’ poses a hurdle for legibility. Still I am too much of a purist not to cringe at this modification. It feels a little heavy-handed, and the extra stroke tacked on. Strictly speaking, the ‘G’ already had a beard — see the letter in Gerrit Noordzij’s TEFF Burgundica to comprehend where the Blackletter ‘G’ comes from, and how it relates to the lowercase form.

    This piece of packaging design tackles the same problem: how to avoid Fette Fraktur’s difficult-to-read ‘G’. Here it is replaced with an enlarged lowercase ‘g’. The inconsistency in stroke weight aside, this seems like a wiser solution to me.

    And why pick (the ubiquituos) Fette Fraktur in the first place, when it doesn’t work? There are contemporary Blackletter typefaces that have both a sacral feel and an unambiguous ‘G’. I’d recommend Moyenage 25. Or maybe a related style with similar emotional qualities but more straightforward letterforms, like an uncial?

  2. This is a legitimate question to ask 90% of the time blackletter is used: “Why was X chosen in the first place….” Kills me. Death by a thousand Fette Fraktur f daggers.

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