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Black Holes in Space and Brains

Contributed by Frode Helland (Monokrom Skriftforlag) on Oct 3rd, 2014. Artwork published in
circa 2014
Black Holes in Space and Brains 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Irked by his recently completed Bachelor in psychology, Fynn Scheewe teamed up with Milka Steciak and Yannick Wolff to create  Black Holes in Space and Brains – a book about forgetting. The trio – enrolled at the studies in communication design at the FH Mainz (now HS Mainz) University of Applied Sciences – has researched, written and designed the book together.

Black Holes in Space and Brains opens with an introduction on black holes of the stellar variant, before passing over into the main section concerning “black holes” in our brains – a metaphor for loss and despair, inspired by Stephen Hawkings’ theories. The book is typeset in Satyr (text) and Neutraface No. 2 (display) and the chapters are interrupted by graphics illustrating mnemonic techniques (techniques used for the memorization of facts, information and vocabulary) that are applied to the text to make it more memorizable. On a black background, the invisible presence of the hole is tangible, tugging and stretching the content:

As the introduction is about black holes in space, we decided to manipulate the lines over and under every “schwarzes Loch” (translation: black hole). So it seems like the black hole is pulling the lines into itself. This Manipulation is not very noticeable at the first glance, but interrupts the reader while reading the text. The aim is to increase the readers concentration in a way that is comparable to reading fraktur typefaces, when you really have to focus on reading to understand anything.

Black Holes in Space and Brains 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Black Holes in Space and Brains 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Black Holes in Space and Brains 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Black Holes in Space and Brains 5
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
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Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Black Holes in Space and Brains 11
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Black Holes in Space and Brains 12
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Black Holes in Space and Brains 13
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Black Holes in Space and Brains 14
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




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2 Comments on “Black Holes in Space and Brains

  1. Can someone change the tag “FH Mainz” to “HS Mainz”? The university changed its name.

  2. Done. Thanks for the correction, Oliver.

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