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Fanta Klassik

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Apr 24th, 2015. Artwork published in
February 2015
    Fanta Klassik 1
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    On the occasion of Fanta’s 75th anniversary, Coca-Cola Germany released a “Klassik” version, packaged in glass bottles evoking the mid-century design by Raymond Loewy. Fanta Klassik follows the authentic original recipe including 30% whey and pomace that was born from necessity in 1940, when Coca-Cola syrup couldn’t be imported into Nazi Germany during World War II due to a trade embargo [Wikipedia]. The aesthetic of the advertising campaign obviously doesn’t reference the war period, but rather the early 1970s, using the most basic formula: orange + ITC Souvenir.

    “Heh, the seventies are truly gone when Souvenir shows up here” — Mark Simonson on the Typophile Type ID Board

    Fanta Klassik 2
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    Fanta Klassik 3
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    Fanta Klassik 4
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    In addition to ITC Souvenir, uses Populaire and Gotham – all of them as webfonts, and some of the type rotated and with shading effects.
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    In addition to ITC Souvenir, uses Populaire and Gotham – all of them as webfonts, and some of the type rotated and with shading effects.

    1 Comment on “Fanta Klassik”

    1. ITC Souvenir is like a Times Roman dipped in chocolate. (Allan Haley, ABCs of Type)

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