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Chefinnen in bodenlangen Jeansröcken book cover

Contributed by Andreas Seidel on May 16th, 2015. Artwork published in .
Chefinnen in bodenlangen Jeansröcken book cover
Photo: Andreas Seidel. License: All Rights Reserved.

This book is the result of a collaboration between the satirical author Max Goldt and the printer Martin Z. Schröder who runs a traditional letterpress printing office in Berlin. He designed the cover for this book using a digital simulation of an old worn wood type called Wood Bonnet Antique No. 7 from astype.

The font offers up to four glyph variations of all basic letters and figures, with various degrees of erosion. An OpenType flipper feature automatically substitutes the glyphs and thus emulates the randomness of old school printing. 

The book was published by Rowohlt Verlag, Berlin. Here is a little video from the publisher.




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