Xylophon aus Holz Photo(s) by Florian Hardwig. Imported from Flickr on May 30, 2015. Artwork published in circa 1975. Like1Add to Set Source: www.flickr.com Uploaded to Flickr by Florian Hardwig and tagged with “plutooutline”. License: CC BY-NC-SA. “Wooden xylophone” – this pleonasm on the cover of a music notebook comes in Pluto, colored in for a stronger 3-dimensional effect. Typefaces More about PlutoGet Pluto Formats Packaging (1408) Booklets/Pamphlets (1472) Topics Music (3893) Tagged withmusical instruments (45)book covers (3490)notebooks (41)3D effects (189)chromatic (469)staircase glyphs (66)yellow and blue (122)German (language) (1318)xylophones (2)West Germany (129) Artwork location Germany (2549) In Sets Face Photosetting (Florian Hardwig) (80) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Pluto in use Leon Bridges & John Mayer – “Inside Friend” single cover and shirt2020Online CeramicsContributed by Garrison Martin Staff Pick More about Mushmouth PBGet Mushmouth PBMore about PlutoGet PlutoMore about HoboGet Hobo Stone the Crows – Stone the Crows album art1970David JuniperPhoto(s) by Klaus Hiltscher on Flickr.More about Rustic No. 2Get Rustic No. 2More about PlutoGet PlutoMore about FuturaGet Futura Borrometi sea salt packaging2021unknownContributed by HarrisonMore about PlutoGet PlutoMore about Helvetica InseratGet Helvetica InseratMore about HelveticaGet Helvetica Sponsor More in Music Florian Tositti & Seijiro Murayama + Omnisphynx + Le Repère et la Suprême2020Arnaud AubryContributed by Arnaud AubryMore about HereticaGet HereticaMore about Alte Haas GroteskGet Alte Haas Grotesk Pura Vida Conspiracy by Gogol Bordello2013Steven WilsonContributed by Florian HardwigMore about BrisaGet Brisa Adoniran Barbosa – Onze album art2020Bloco GráficoContributed by Bloco Gráfico Staff Pick More about DrukGet DrukMore about Druk WideGet Druk WideMore about Druk CondensedGet Druk Condensed Joey Zen – “Strike Me Down” music video and promo graphics2021Austin SellarsGood Enough Forever47 Eyez On MeContributed by Austin SellarsMore about ThaliaGet ThaliaMore about Alte Haas GroteskGet Alte Haas GroteskMore about Futura Extra BoldGet Futura Extra Bold More in Packaging Bushburg Pilsner by Interboro Spirits & Alesc. 2019The Heads of StatePhoto(s) by Label Craft on Flickr.More about P22 AlbersGet P22 AlbersMore about HarbourGet HarbourMore about ByronGet Byron Tivoli Road Bakeryc. 2016The Compagny You KeepContributed by Swiss TypefacesMore about SangBleu OG SansGet SangBleu OG Sans Grundig High Energy Studio-Cassette inserts1971GrundigContributed by Simon Birky HartmannMore about Permanent HeadlineGet Permanent HeadlineMore about HelveticaGet Helvetica Orenga type soaps2018Senyor EstudiContributed by Lluís SerraMore about OrengaGet Orenga More Fonts In Use The Signal and The Noise2012Helen YentusJason BooherContributed by Rodrigo Saiani Staff Pick More about PlauGet PlauMore about BaskervilleGet Baskerville Monifue spices by Malokac. 2020Lully DuqueLaura CardenasContributed by Laura Cardenas Staff Pick More about BT BárbaraGet BT BárbaraMore about HarbourGet Harbour Changer la mode pour le climat Marrakech 20162016Maison SolideContributed by Production Type Staff Pick More about GranvilleGet GranvilleMore about Adobe ArabicGet Adobe Arabic Eins Zwei Drei Baukunstarchiv2018JAC-GestaltungJudith Anna RütherContributed by Judith Anna Rüther Staff Pick More about SkolarGet SkolarMore about AmsiGet Amsi