The Krystal Company, 1972 rebranding
Contributed by Stephen Coles on Aug 3rd, 2015. Artwork published in
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3 Comments on “The Krystal Company, 1972 rebranding”
This ain’t no Aral (which was designed in 1976 by Wolff Olins), but I guess it’s John Constable’s Formula from 1970! Also, the address was written in a hint of Helvetica too.
According to its trademark info, this look debuted on June 27, 1972. And like Jay said, this is Formula!
Confirmed – it’s not Aral. Whatever it is, it isn’t Formula either, see for example the k/K and t, but also other glyphs. Chances are it’s a custom typeface by Chermayeff & Geismar. I’ve replaced the Aral credit with “unidentified typeface” and added the 1972 date. Thanks!