Founded in 2006. Initially named B&P Type Foundry (after founders Maxime Büchi and Ian Party). Joined by Emmanuel Rey and since May 2011 named (B+P) Swiss Typefaces. Since late 2018 led by Büchi and Rey.
Contributed by VJ-Type
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Swiss Typefaces
Contributed by MA-MA Type
Contributed by Yannik Schäfer
Contributed by TypeType
Contributed by Luise Charlotte Klett
Contributed by Eliott Grunewald
Contributed by Nick Joseph
Contributed by Juan Duque
Contributed by Électro Bibliothèque
Contributed by 205TF
Contributed by Vilmantas Žumbys
Contributed by Sebastian Johansen
Contributed by Hannah Gebauer
Contributed by BEKAR HAUS
Contributed by Andrea Benedetto
Contributed by Svitlana Tolmach (Rentafont)
Contributed by Joe Leadbeater
Contributed by Gayaneh Bagdasaryan
Contributed by stanislas wiart
Contributed by Milan Nedvěd
Contributed by Cocota Studio
Contributed by Benoît Bodhuin
Contributed by Polytechnic
Contributed by Philipp Marc
Contributed by Jonny Black
Contributed by Paul Eslage
Contributed by Riccardo Casinelli
Contributed by WELTKERN® Typefaces
Contributed by Amanda Caskey
Contributed by Rutger van Aken
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Judith Anna Rüther
Contributed by Soimadou Ibrahim-Aliamane
Contributed by Maëlla Le Nestour
Contributed by Viktor Mizera
Contributed by ML Typefaces
Contributed by Sophia Krayc
Contributed by Tom Watkins
Contributed by Clément Le Tulle-Neyret
Contributed by Ícaro Chaparro P.
Contributed by Elena Solaz
Contributed by Philipp Stöcklein
Contributed by Patrick Torres
Contributed by Alexandre Cano
Contributed by Love Lagerkvist
Contributed by OHMY Studio