Founded in 2006. Initially named B&P Type Foundry (after founders Maxime Büchi and Ian Party). Joined by Emmanuel Rey and since May 2011 named (B+P) Swiss Typefaces. Since late 2018 led by Büchi and Rey.
Contributed by Vitor Carvalho
Contributed by Swiss Typefaces
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
A pixel font for 2025 and beyond! Free for users below a net annual revenue of € 100K.
Contributed by Pavel Kedich
Contributed by Leonie Kaltenegger
Contributed by Benoît Bodhuin
Contributed by Megan Bednarczyk
Contributed by Eyad Al-Samman
Contributed by Mackenzie Freemire
Contributed by Sharp Type
Contributed by Ilaria Castelli
Contributed by Harley Johnston
Contributed by Nolan Paparelli
Contributed by Brando Corradini
Contributed by Filippos Fragkogiannis
Contributed by Erik Sachse
Contributed by Tatjana Trynkun
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Quique López
Contributed by Dídac Ballester
Contributed by David Gobber
Contributed by Uniforma Studio
Contributed by Moritz Salla
Contributed by VJ-Type
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by Martin Escalante
Contributed by TYPE.WELTKERN®
Contributed by Daniel Ioannou
Contributed by Carlotta Bacchini
Contributed by Luca Pupulin
Contributed by anika pehl
Contributed by Matej Vojtuš
Contributed by Carlos Kun
Contributed by Sophie Loloi
Contributed by Pedro Pereira
Contributed by Artem Strizhkov
Contributed by Alexander Schwarz
Contributed by Bruna Sade
Contributed by Paula Pons
Contributed by Edoardo Compiani