First used by Brunner and his partner Julia Born in 2007 for
Casco Issues, a newly-launched Dutch art publication,
and again in their exhibition catalogue and street posters for
documenta 14 in Kassel and Athens (2017), for which he also
produced a Greek version. [Lineto]
“The primary historical reference point was provided by
Antiqua (1884). This widely popular design of German
origin rapidly birthed numerous imitations from foundries across
Europe and the US [including Farmer’s Bradford Old
Style]. It also served as a key inspiration for Pierpont’s
hugely successful Plantin
(1913) and Stanley Morison’s timeless Times New
Roman (1931).” [Lineto]
Designed More…
First used by Brunner and his partner Julia Born in 2007 for Casco Issues, a newly-launched Dutch art publication, and again in their exhibition catalogue and street posters for documenta 14 in Kassel and Athens (2017), for which he also produced a Greek version. [Lineto]
“The primary historical reference point was provided by Römische Antiqua (1884). This widely popular design of German origin rapidly birthed numerous imitations from foundries across Europe and the US [including Farmer’s Bradford Old Style]. It also served as a key inspiration for Pierpont’s hugely successful Plantin (1913) and Stanley Morison’s timeless Times New Roman (1931).” [Lineto]
Designed by Laurenz Brunner. Design and production assistance by Wei Huang and Selina Bernet.