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Krystal restaurants ads, 1973

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Aug 3rd, 2015. Artwork published in .
Ocala Star-Banner, Oct 23, 1973.
Source: © The Krystal Company. License: All Rights Reserved.

Ocala Star-Banner, Oct 23, 1973.

Krystal is an American fast food restaurant chain founded in 1932 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chermayeff & Geismar redesigned the company’s identity in the early 1970s. A new logo and packaging is seen here along with Antique Olive and Trump Medieval for advertising. The ‘K’ logo appears to be a custom design, but may be based on Futura Dot.

C&G’s dotted logo only lasted about a decade. By 1984 it was replaced with a new mark surrounded by a swoosh.

Lakeland Ledger, Nov 27, 1973
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Lakeland Ledger, Nov 27, 1973

Lakeland Ledger, Nov 27, 1973
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Lakeland Ledger, Nov 27, 1973




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