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Starboard menu

Contributed by Matthew Wyne on Nov 14th, 2016. Artwork published in
February 2016
Starboard menu 1
Photo: Matthew Wyne. License: All Rights Reserved. Artwork by Matthew Wyne.

Starboard is a restaurant in San Francisco’s Mission District that wants to keep the old punk rock aesthetic of the neighborhood alive. Before I started the menu, I did a lot of research at the San Francisco Public library, ransacking their restaurant ephemera collection. Each era had a few fonts that seemed ubiquitous. In the early part of the century, I saw a lot of Bodoni and Copperplate. Mid-century menus featured a lot of Memphis and Futura. In the end, I treated fonts like ingredients. Some of them, like Akzidenz-Grotesk, serve as the heart of the dish. Others, like Chevalier, are used more like seasoning. My goal was to create a design system that is every bit as eclectic as the food, while paying homage to the great legacy of Bay Area restaurants.

Starboard menu 2
Photo: Matthew Wyne. License: All Rights Reserved. Artwork by Matthew Wyne.
Starboard menu 3
Photo: Matthew Wyne. License: All Rights Reserved. Artwork by Matthew Wyne.
Starboard menu 4
Source: Photo: Matthew Wyne. Matthew Wyne. License: All Rights Reserved. Artwork by Matthew Wyne.
  1. Kurt E. says:
    Mar 1st, 2022 8:21 am

    For “SIDES” as seen in the second and fourth images:

    At first I thought it would be AT Orlando. But it is the Engravers MT or the Engravers MT Pro. In no case is it a URW version.

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