Clayton Arms, Peckham Contributed by Gareth Hague on Feb 14th, 2017. Artwork published in 2016. Like4Add to Set Source: Clayton Arms. License: All Rights Reserved. Elephant is used for the signage, menus etc for the Clayton Arms pub in Peckham, south London. Elephant is also used by the Draft House chain of pubs. Source: Ewan Munro. License: All Rights Reserved. Typefaces More about Elephant (Alias)Get Elephant (Alias) Formats Signs (1403) Branding/Identity (4820) Topics Food/Beverage (1975) Local (840) Tagged withpubs (24)facades (54)all caps (4129)reversed type (1978)loose letterspacing (269) Artwork location United Kingdom (2161) London (1215) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Elephant (Alias) in use East Branch Brewing Company2018Andrew ColletteContributed by Gareth HagueMore about HarbourGet HarbourMore about Elephant (Alias)Get Elephant (Alias)More about Young SerifGet Young Serif Public Offerings2001Jonathan BarnbrookContributed by Gareth Hague Staff Pick More about Elephant (Alias)Get Elephant (Alias)More about Expletive ScriptGet Expletive ScriptMore about EchelonGet Echelon A Museum of Modern Nature exhibition2017WellcomeInstall ArchiveContributed by Gareth HagueMore about Elephant (Alias)Get Elephant (Alias) Sponsor More in Local Jornada Literária do Distrito Federal 20192019Felipe CavalcanteGabriel MenezesLuã LeãoContributed by Molde.ccMore about KawakGet Kawak Reflex Magazine1990Aleš NajbrtMarek PistoraPavel BenešContributed by Briefcase Type FoundryMore about BC ReflexGet BC Reflex Le Bonbon Nuit nº93, April 20192019République StudioContributed by République Studio Staff Pick More about KesslerGet KesslerMore about Whyte InktrapGet Whyte InktrapMore about BelloGet Bello Boston Magazine, Nov. 2008, Food Issue2008Modus Operandi DesignContributed by Stephen ColesMore about FF Prater ScriptGet FF Prater ScriptMore about FF Prater SansGet FF Prater SansMore about FF Prater SerifGet FF Prater Serif More in Branding/Identity Eden restaurant, Berlinc. 2019unknownContributed by Florian HardwigMore about PristinaGet PristinaMore about SloganGet Slogan Interpreto2012EllijotContributed by Elisabeth WeberMore about Mrs EavesGet Mrs Eaves Rekkic. 2019RekkiDavid AnastácioContributed by Peiran TanMore about ABC DiatypeGet ABC Diatype DOTLabs by On the Dot2021GreenspaceContributed by TYPE.WELTKERN®More about LausanneGet Lausanne More Fonts In Use The Forever War (1976) and Mindbridge (1977) by Joe Haldeman (Orbit)c. 1976Patrick WoodroffeJosh KirbyContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick More about SyncopationGet Syncopation The New York Times Magazine, 2013 Innovations Issue, Online Edition2013John NiedermeyerRaul AguilaArem DuplessisContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick More about A2 BeckettGet A2 BeckettMore about LL CircularGet LL CircularMore about GeorgiaGet Georgia Récolte2017Jean-Philippe BretinContributed by Bretin Jean-Philippe Staff Pick More about Drury Lane NFGet Drury Lane NF Dawn of the Dead (1978) movie postersc. 1978unknownTom ChantrellSilver Ferox DesignContributed by Florian Hardwig Blog More about Davison Psyche / ContestGet Davison Psyche / ContestMore about Futura BlackGet Futura BlackMore about Anzeigen-Grotesk / Neue Aurora IXGet Anzeigen-Grotesk / Neue Aurora IX