Victor C. Lewis – Bird Sounds In Close-Up album art
Contributed by Love Lagerkvist on Aug 29th, 2017. Artwork published in
circa 1969
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1 Comment on “Victor C. Lewis – Bird Sounds In Close-Up album art”
The typeface used on the sleeve of the Hallmark version is interesting: It appears to be a solid version of Pinto Inline, which is credited to Roy Sprong/Rapitype and was released as dry-transfer type by Mecanorma in 1972 — three years after the record was released. It might be an earlier version sans inline, by Rapitype.
The font used for Volume 2 is a first in our Collection, too. This Britannic-meets-uncial is a film typeface known as Ophelia. It goes back to a design first cast by Schelter & Giesecke in 1900 as Petrarka.