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Hudson & Landry – Losing Their Heads album art

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Aug 29th, 2018. Artwork published in .
Hudson & Landry – Losing Their Heads album art
Source: Michael Hanscom. License: CC BY-NC-SA.

Second album by comedy duo Hudson & Landry, released in 1971 on Doré Records, Los Angeles.

The narrow bottom-heavy caps are from Orbit, a typeface of uncertain origin. It might have originated at Facsimile Fonts or Lettergraphics, and is very similar to PLINC’s Village. The key differences are the unflared stems, the R with vertical leg, and the tailed T. Orbit came with a ready-made shaded style.

The cover design is credited to Dennis Lidtke. A Billboard issue from 1982 mentions a Dennis Lidtke who then was CEO of Gribbitt Ltd., a graphics, typesetting, color separation and printing complex in L.A. In 1978, he bought the Hollywood Palace and also is credited as one of the donors who helped to restore the Hollywood sign.




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