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Element of Crime – Fremde Federn album art

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Aug 10th, 2014. Artwork published in .
Element of Crime – Fremde Federn album art
License: All Rights Reserved.

Fremde Federn (‘borrowed plumes’) by Element of Crime is a compilation of 20 cover songs recorded between 1989 and 2009. For the album cover, the band went with a purely typographic design in strong colors. Various weights both of posh Bodoni and pavonine Avant Garde (complete with ST ligatures) have been mixed with steady Rockwell and Antique Olive. The result is an all-caps potpourri of worn classics that references type catalogs of the 1970s or 1980s. Or rather, the typeface menu in one of these copy shops where you can get 100 business cards for five bucks. Rosewood is a little different, as its digital incarnation is from a later decade. However, having been a bundled font for many years now, it is similar in its ubiquity and, in consequence, the perceived cheesiness.

See also: The Specimen: from Type Catalog to Design Meme

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