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Indemodable Big Mac

Contributed by Pierre Brossard on Nov 29th, 2018. Artwork published in .
Indemodable Big Mac 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

This new advertising campaign – made by TBWA\Paris that has been working with McDonald’s since 1985 – celebrates the Big Mac’s 50th anniversary. Each of these five decades is depicted by staged photographs that seek to be the ultimate cliché.

Each of those photos show a Big Mac, but there is no logotype or brand to be seen. The slogan is always “Indemodable Big Mac” [note the missing accent aigu in Indémodable]. The text is set in all-caps FF DIN Condensed Black, with ‘Big Mac’ smaller than ‘Indemodable’ (which means “Timeless” in English). I suppose that, by hiding the logo of the brand and making ‘Indemodable’ such a big word, the goal is to make the Big Mac a common word and not a proper name as if it was a heritage product. This may be caused by the fact that in France McDonald’s is no longer the only fast-food burger brand, there are more and more concurrents.

The choice of the typeface is interesting because contrary to the photos that depict their decades, (FF) DIN seems to be relevant for each of those decades. As a result the font in itself says that it is ‘Indémodable’.

The poster campaign is followed by a social-network campaign that allows users to see how they could look in the different decades of the Big Mac.

Indemodable Big Mac 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Indemodable Big Mac 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Indemodable Big Mac 4
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Indemodable Big Mac 5
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




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