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Norwegian banknotes (2014–2019)

Contributed by Metric Design on Nov 28th, 2019. Artwork published in
November 2019
Norwegian banknotes (2014–2019) 1
Source: Simen Øvergaard. License: All Rights Reserved.

In November 2019, Norway released the last note in their acclaimed new series of banknotes. After 18 years, the entire banknotes series feature one common theme – the ocean – instead of the traditional portraits of prominent countrymen and -women.

The original design and main concept for each banknote was conceived by the Norwegian design agency Metric Design and illustrator and artist Terje Tønnesen in 2014. The reverse sides are based on design proposals from fellow designers at Snøhetta.

Frutiger was predetermined for the primary type by The Central Bank of Norway and advisor and calligrapher Julia Vance. Sizes and font weights were up to the designers. Metric chose Frutiger Roman on the numerals for best readability and also to maintain a Nordic lightness in the overall designs. The designs were later adapted, modified and translated into banknote idiom by the in-house design team at the Central Bank of Norway, adding security elements such as micro text. The micro text is set in Helvetica.

The notes are printed on cotton paper with a number of different number of print techniques; offset, screenprint, foil, UV and intaglio for the primary motif and main typography. The slightly raised intaglio print can be felt by running a finger across the numerals, helping the visually impaired differentiate the notes.

See an extensive case study on Metric’s website. Snøhetta has a post about the reverse sides. Additional information about both front and back is available from the website of Norges Bank.

Norwegian banknotes (2014–2019) 2
Source: Simen Øvergaard. License: All Rights Reserved.
Norwegian banknotes (2014–2019) 3
Source: Simen Øvergaard. License: All Rights Reserved.
Norwegian banknotes (2014–2019) 4
Source: Simen Øvergaard. License: All Rights Reserved.
Norwegian banknotes (2014–2019) 5
Source: Simen Øvergaard. License: All Rights Reserved.
Norwegian banknotes (2014–2019) 6
Source: Simen Øvergaard. License: All Rights Reserved.




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