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Lok Leipzig – SSC Napoli (GDR television, 1988)

Contributed by Ivo Gabrowitsch on Dec 5th, 2019. Artwork published in
October 1988
Leipzig’s Zimmerling scores 1:0
Source: GDR-TV. License: All Rights Reserved.

Leipzig’s Zimmerling scores 1:0

When I recently got reminded about a football match I watched in 1988 along with more than 90,000 others, I was wondering whether I could find some footage on YouTube. I could, because you can find everything there these days, even an European cup match between East Germany’s Lok Leipzig and Italy’s SSC Napoli.

While the highlight for me back then was without a doubt to witness the greatest football player of all times play (Maradona), this time’s highlight was to recognize a very rare use of Axel Bertram’s exclusively designed typeface for German Democratic Republic’s state television broadcasting service in the match report. The typeface was publicly released much later through FontFont as FF Videtur. The full story is still worth reading over on the legendary ILT blog.

Lok Leipzig – SSC Napoli (GDR television, 1988) 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Final result
Source: GDR-TV. License: All Rights Reserved.

Final result




Artwork location

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