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Habla de mí en presente – “Todo Bien”

Contributed by Ignasi Àvila Padró on Apr 4th, 2020. Artwork published in
May 2019
Habla de mí en presente – “Todo Bien” 1
Source: Graphic Design: Ignasi Àvila Padró. Photography: Guillem Chesa. License: All Rights Reserved.

Artwork for the single “Todo Bien” by Habla de mí en presente, the technorumba party collective based between Berlin and Barcelona. Guillem Chesa took the picture of the matchbox fail.

The title typeface is Arcade 2003 by Jakob Fischer, but the pixels have been ironically replaced with little thumbs-down-hands from Apple Color Emoji by Willen Van Ecker. The band name in the matchbox is written in Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ Extended by Berthold.

These same fonts (and a handful more) were used for the ticket that appears in the intro of the “Todo Bien” music video directed by Celia Giraldo.

Habla de mí en presente – “Todo Bien” 2
Source: Graphic Design: Ignasi Àvila Padró. License: All Rights Reserved.

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