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Farm-to-Spaceship identity

Contributed by Namrata Goyal on Jul 8th, 2020. Artwork published in
May 2020
    Farm-to-Spaceship identity 1
    Source: Berger & Föhr. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Berger & Föhr worked with Brian Corrigan on a one day design sprint to build out an identity system for his new endeavor, Farm-to-Spaceship, an “artist-driven takeout dinner experience”, or, in the words of Colin Wrenn, “a collaborative take-home meal, cosmic journey, dance party and utterly-charming mind-fuck.” The typeface is Biblio, used in all caps. From Eventbrite:

    The Weightless Freight REALLY Long Haul Trucking Company delivered a shipment of water sourced from a subglacial lake on Mars. While unpacking, we found secret recipes and instructions to elevate the takeout experience.

    To celebrate, we’re following the recipes and using the Mars water as our special guest flavor. We’ve brought together artists, designers, chefs, florists, mixologists, comedians, storytellers and musicians to make it all happen. Get ready for a super fun experiential dinner at your home.

    Read more about the Farm-to-Spaceship events in articles on 303Magazine and Westword.

    Farm-to-Spaceship identity 2
    Source: Berger & Föhr. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Farm-to-Spaceship identity 3
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    Farm-to-Spaceship identity 4
    Source: v Brian Corrigan. License: All Rights Reserved.
    Farm-to-Spaceship identity 5
    Source: Brian Corrigan. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Biblio




    Artwork location

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