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Arts & Architecture, May 1943

Contributed by Ryan Mungia on Nov 8th, 2020. Artwork published in
May 1943
Arts & Architecture, May 1943
Source: © Eames Office LLC. License: All Rights Reserved.

In Born Modern: The Life and Design of Alvin Lustig, Steven Heller notes (page 35) that “Euclid: A New Type” included two type experiments that led to the design of the masthead of Arts & Architecture.

This unfinished typeface has recently been brought back to life as HWT Lustig Elements, a collaboration between Craig Welsh and Elaine Lustig Cohen, via P22.

The smaller text appears to combine Futura by Paul Renner and Metro No. 2 by William A. Dwiggins.

The cover was designed by Ray Eames.

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