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Paul Severs – “Dat is ’t einde van de wereld niet” / “Mijn Liefste” single cover

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Apr 4th, 2013. Artwork published in .
Paul Severs – “Dat is ’t einde van de wereld niet” / “Mijn Liefste” single cover
Source: Chris Vandenbroucke. License: All Rights Reserved.

Artistik is an Art Nouveau typeface that presumably started out as Artistic, a 1898 metal typeface by Berthold. In the 1970s, it was available as a Letraset face. Fortunately, the digital version seems to offer all the alternates that would be necessary to recreate this cheesy Flemish record cover (“This isn’t the end of the world”) by Paul Severs.

If you dig this style, make sure to check out Chris Vandenbroucke’s huge collection of Belgian vinyl covers.



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