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Selected Writings of Walter Pater (Signet)

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Jan 30th, 2021. Artwork published in .
    Selected Writings of Walter Pater (Signet)
    Source: Make It Old. License: CC BY-NC-SA.

    Columbus in use for Signet’s paperback edition of a selection of writings by Walter Pater (1839–1894), edited by Harold Bloom. Signet Classics CJ743, 1974.

    Make It Old comments:

    No visible signature in the cover art; it has Pushpin Studio written all over it.

    Columbus had indeed been used by Milton Glaser at Push Pin Studios, see the “Take a Trip to Lotus Land” poster from 1967.

    Designed by Hermann Ihlenburg, Columbus was first released in 1890 by the MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan foundry. It’s reproduced in Ludwig Petzendorfer’s Schriftenatlas Neue Folge (1903–1905), and was rediscovered in the 1960s. One such revival was made at Photo-Lettering. It’s shown in their 1971 catalog under the name Columbus Antique, with a second, slightly beefier weight.


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