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Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art

Contributed by Adelina Shaydullina on Aug 12th, 2021. Artwork published in
circa June 2018
Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art 1
Source: Narine Faramazyan. License: CC BY-NC-ND.

Karloff Negative (Typotheque) and Proxima Nova (Mark Simonson Studio) are used together for Армяне в архитектуре и искусстве XX века (“Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art”), a student project made by Narine Faramazyan at Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry.

From our interview with Narine Faramazyan, designer and author of the book:

Actually, it is not one book, but two that are connected by the back cover so that it is a certain two-volume edition. The first volume is red, about Armenians in 20th century architecture, while the second one is blue, about Armenians in visual art. Together with an orange flyleaf, they get together into Armenian flag.

When I’d made up approximately one quarter of the book, my teachers told me: ‘that’s smart, but something is missing’; they advised me to look at what is offered on I opened the website, took letters from various typefaces and designed a half-title — it turned out more like a children’s book about the alphabet, than a book on Armenians.

Then I saw Karloff Negative, put it in half-titles and combined it with Proxima Nova which was applied on footnotes and captions. As it turned out, two typefaces worked great together.

At some point, when I had already completed my work on the book, I found out that Karloff was somehow reminiscent of Armenian script. I came across a photo from an Armenian church on Instagram and realised that the Karloff used in quotes and on the book cover was quite similar to that carving. Clearly, there are typefaces especially designed to look like Armenian script, but if I picked such a typeface, it wouldn’t be anything special. While Karloff is not Armenian at all — but when I presented my project, I was asked ‘isn’t this some Armenian typeface?’

Read entire interview on the website.

Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art 2
Source: License: CC BY-NC-ND.
Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art 3
Source: License: CC BY-NC-ND.
Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art 4
Source: License: CC BY-NC-ND.
Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art 5
Source: License: CC BY-NC-ND.
Armenians in 20th Century Architecture and Art 6
Source: License: CC BY-NC-ND.

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