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Brasil Cinema Nº7 (1972) and Nº8 (1973)

Contributed by Johann Freitas on Sep 17th, 2022. Artwork published in
circa 1972
    The numeral 7 is taken from .
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    The numeral 7 is taken from Annonce / Aurora-Grotesk V.

    Brasil Cinema is a series of catalogs of Brazilian films, illustrated with publicity photos. The books were published by the Instituto Nacional do Cinema (INC) in at least twelve volumes – Nº2 dates from 1968 and Nº12 is from 1977. The covers shown here are some of the few instances where we can see Karl Gerstner’s Gerstner-Programm (1964) being put to use during the era of phototypesetting. The covers for previous and subsequent years use different typefaces.

    Brasil Cinema Nº7 (1972) and Nº8 (1973) 2
    License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Gerstner-Programm
    • Annonce / Aurora-Grotesk V




    Artwork location

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