Massimiliano Audretsch. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Mimetic Rocks Map portrays a selection of rock formations that resemble animals, mystic creatures or human faces. It’s an invitation to go on a rock spotting tour – the mimetic rock as a tourist destination, something one sends as a postcard, like an image of Tour Eiffel or the Colosseum. The typefaces used are G2 Erika Mono and the yet to be released G2 Airdancer (working title: Columnbus).
This map goes back to when I was a child, sometime in the early 2000s. My parents brought me and my sibling to see a rock by Highway 265, about 13 miles north of Santa Fe, called the Camel Rock. I was absolutely fascinated by the massiv formation that actually resembled a camel resting in the desert and decided I’ll keep my eyes open for further remarkable rocks. The Mimetic Rocks Mapshows rocks I spotted myself, some however I tracked down on the internet and other people told me about of course proving it with a photo. Tell me about the mimetic rock in your neighborhood and visit 🪨💬
Massimiliano Audretsch. License: All Rights Reserved.
Massimiliano Audretsch. License: All Rights Reserved.
Massimiliano Audretsch. License: All Rights Reserved.
Massimiliano Audretsch. License: All Rights Reserved.
Massimiliano Audretsch. License: All Rights Reserved.
Massimiliano Audretsch. License: All Rights Reserved.