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Reggae In The Grass compilation album cover

Contributed by Nick Sherman on Jan 23rd, 2014. Artwork published in .
Reggae In The Grass compilation album cover 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Reggae In The Grass is a 1960s compilation of reggae from Jamaica, originally released by the legendary record label Studio One.

The stencil face used on the cover is very close to a widened version of Futura Black, with a small difference in how the three sections of the ‘S’ don’t connect as usual. This could just be a particularity of one particular version of Futura Black (presumably a phototype version), or even just the result of manual retouching.

Reggae In The Grass compilation album cover 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

2 Comments on “Reggae In The Grass compilation album cover”

  1. Why is this version of Futura Black wider than the digital version of Futura Black.

    Reminds me how Futura Heavy’s ‘O’ looks like an egg.

  2. Published in 1968, this piece was very likely produced with phototypesetting technology. This method allowed type to be scaled not only in size but also stretched or squeezed horizontally. Typesetting firms advertised the ability to contort type to any dimensions. Film variants of metal fonts were also republished in their modified form.

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