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Various Artists – Underground Gold album art

Photo(s) by Klaus Hiltscher. Imported from Flickr on Apr 25, 2020. Artwork published in .
Various Artists – Underground Gold album art
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Klaus Hiltscher and tagged with “filmotypequick” and “babyfat”. License: All Rights Reserved.

In 1969 Liberty Records distributed their records themselves. In 1970 they went to EMI Electrola for distributing. A nice collection but more Blues and Blues Rock than Prog Rock.

Art direction by Gabor Halmos, with illustration by Roger Chouinard.

[More info on Discogs]

3 Comments on “Various Artists – Underground Gold album art”

  1. I wonder if the cover design was intended as a nod to Milton Glaser’s famous Simon & Garfunkel poster from 1966. The illustration of the musicians on stage looks a bit like a more dynamic version, seen from a worm’s-eye view, with the (almost) faceless guitar player and their instrument also shown in outline. Furthermore, Buxom is a copy of Glaser’s Baby Fat typeface which was put to early use on the concert poster.

  2. Perhaps Filmotype Quick might be based on Ginger, eh?

  3. Definitely related in style. It’s not a direct relationship, though, i.e. Quick is not just Ginger with an added inline. The designers made a number of decisions that work to the advantage of an inline style, see the J or the S, but also the weight and width e.g. in N.

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